Sunday, November 4, 2012

An interview w/Harley Mazuk (cont'd)

You're organizing a dinner party of writers and can invite three authors, dead or alive.  Who's coming?  

This is a tough one as so many of the authors I'd like to meet might not be good dinner guests.  They might create a scene, and not with their writing.  Hemingway might want to box three rounds.  Raymond Chandler might be too depressing, too intoxicated to converse with.  Dr. Hunter S. Thompson might be on drugs and carrying semi-automatic pistols.  I admire Albert Camus, but I don't speak French.  I'd love to meet some Russians, but I don't speak Russian either.
Dashiell Hammett might do.  He drank too much but I'd say he could hold it.  He could tell me how to create scenes and "stir things up."  Edgar Allan Poe because he's a true genius.  I just hope he wouldn't be too tough on my work.  And I think I'd like to meet Flannery O'Connor.  Perhaps we could talk about ideas and character. 

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